OM is the path and OM is the destination

Archive for September 7, 2016

WOD: 08/09/2016



@ 0:00

400m row / 1k airdyne 

Stretch and warm up with mix movements for 6mins 


@ 10:00

Mobilise and warm up to the WOD 


@ 20:00

Every 90secs for 15mins

Odd intervals: 5 hang power cleans @ 60% x 3, 70% x 2

Even intervals: 10 Ring archer push ups

. With the hang power cleans you will start from just below the knees each time and hold at the knee for 2secs before you pull into a clean

. Those who cannot do it on the rings will do it on the floor Floor archer push ups

. Those who cannot do it on the toes do it on the knees 


@ 45:00

15mins as many reps as possible

100 double unders / 250 skips

75 med ball cleans @ 20/14

50 sit ups

25 ring dips / bench dips 

. Start in any order, finish one and more to the next one 


8 x 400m sprints